2025/26 new student EnroLLment Click Here
We welcome your interest in seeking admission for your child in Santa Ynez Valley Christian Academy. Our goal is to provide our students with an academically excellent education that is well-balanced, comprehensive, and integrated with Biblical truths and principles within a nurturing, Christ-centered environment. We look forward to meeting with you concerning your child’s academic future.
The SYVCA Board has created an Admissions Committee that will review applications. Space is limited. Please call the School Office for availability in a specific grade, (805) 688-3830.
If a class if full, prospective families may enter our wait pool. See details below for a complete list of wait pool requirements.
Families on prior waitlists are not automatically placed into the wait pool, but will need to submit a an enrollment packet.
The following packet would place students into the SYVCA Admissions Committee’s lottery:
Completed electronic enrollment forms for the 2025/26 school year (previous years forms cannot be used). Enrollment for new families will begin March 1, 2025
Copy of birth certificate and immunization record
Copy of latest report card (1st grade and higher)
Signed student cumulative file release form (click to download)
Tour or meeting with Principal Scott Carleton
Completed entrance assessment
If applying for financial aid, a completed scholarship application and receipt of the completed status email from FACTS
If you have any questions, concerns, or need assistance with any part of the enrollment process, please contact the school office at (805) 688-3830.
View 2024-2025 Tuition and Fees Schedule
Complete the fillable form below to BE CONTACTED BY A FACULTY MEMBER or schedule a tour with Principal Scott Carleton.
If you have not already done so then please consider making an appointment to visit our school. We would very much like to meet you and take you for a personal tour of our campus.